Basics of Good Scientific Practice
Scientific integrity forms the basis of trustworthy science. Good scientific practice (often abbreviated GWP in german) plays a central role in a variety of possible areas of tension: the handling of data, publication behavior, research on humans or animals, conflicts of interest and contract research, social responsibility and many more. The specific design and relevance of GWP-compliant measures and practices can depend on the discipline, research subject or other factors.
The DFG's Guideline for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice and the RWTH's Principles for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice are two relevant sources of general guidance. A short course with a final test on the RWTH guideline and its implementation at the Faculty of Medicine is available. There is also a more comprehensive RWTH online course on scientific integrity
You can also find a wide range of resources on the topic on the website of the "Ombudsman for Science"-committee set up by the DFG.
In cases of conflict or suspected cases of scientific misconduct, you can contact the persons of trust for safeguarding good scientific practice.