Innovations and spin-offs
RWTH supports researchers and employees with technology developments or an interest in founding a company with questions relating to innovation, intellectual property (IP) and spin-offs. Support is available in all start-up phases and on a wide range of topics from legal issues, financing and networking to marketing. You can find more detailed information in the RWTH's start-up guide and the IP guide as well as in the University Hospital's spin-off and entrepreneurship brochure.
Inventors receive support and guidance from RWTH Innovation GmbH. As a platform for the field of medicine, the Expert Hub Life Science is located there in particular. RWTH Innovation also presents the Spin-Off and Innovation Awards. For more information, you can also subscribe to the RWTH Innovations newsletter.
With the Collective Incubator, RWTH also has a co-innovation platform that offers spin-offs and start-ups a wide range of support and cross-team exchange and learning opportunities, especially in the early phase. This project also particularly appeals to student start-up initiatives.