Electronic Lab Book eLabJournal
Electronic lab notebooks simplify the documentation of research processes, facilitate handover to other researchers and ensure the security of evidence in medical documentation, e.g. through audit trails, backups and time stamps. Compared to the conventional paper-based version, they offer countless advantages in use such as remote access, (partially) automated data transfer options, searchability, sharing of protocols, etc. and avoid media discontinuity.
The Faculty of Medicine is working towards a central electronic lab notebook solution with the eLabJournal product from eLabNext. The product has been in use at the Faculty since the beginning of 2022 and licenses can be booked with the Deanery for a usage fee of currently €8.50 / license / month. Documentation of research with human samples is not yet possible in the electronic lab notebook.
An introductory video presenting the central functions of the eLabJournal can be found here
You can also find extensive information on specific topics in the eLabJournal documentation. In particular, you will find some best practice suggestions and a quick-start guide. It is worthwhile - especially if you are just starting to use the electronic lab notebook - to define some things initially in the working group (e.g. minimum requirements for documentation accuracy, rights management, naming and project conventions, etc.). On the manufacturer's YouTube channel you will find many more videos that explain individual functions and options in more detail as well as information on current updates.
This page also contains an FAQ with information on frequently asked questions about the electronic lab notebook.
If you are interested or have any questions about the electronic lab notebook, please contact forschungsdekanat-elabjournal@ukaachen.de at any time.