Research Data Management in Third-Party funding applications
When applying for third-party funding for research, research data management is playing an increasingly important role. To support you as an applicant, here are some pseudonymized examples of successful proposals as well as a DFG checklist annotated by the RWTH RDM team.
Please note:
- The materials provided here are only examples for guidance. However, it is crucial for successful proposal submission and good data management that project-specific considerations are made and that the examples given here are not simply adopted.
- Research data management is undergoing fast-moving developments. If you are unsure whether certain RDM measures are still lege artis, please consult the pages listed below, for example, or use the advisory services offered by RWTH Aachen University. Please note that you should contact the RDM team in good time if you are planning to submit a proposal.
DFG checklist
The DFG provides a checklist for handling research data to help you describe research data management in your planned project. The RDM team provides further explanations on the RWTH intranet to help you with the concrete formulation.