The START Program
In the START program, full applications - i.e. projects with a funding volume of up to €160,000 - or innovative small applications (funding of up to €25,000) can be submitted. The maximum project duration is two years.
The funding requirements in brief:
(This is only a brief overview; the detailed information in the statutes is decisive. Please also note the compatibility with other funding instruments of the faculty)
In order to receive funding under one of the two funding lines of the START program, the following criteria in particular must be met at the time of application
- At least 50% employment at the Faculty of Medicine RWTH Aachen (If the time limit of the current contract expires during the planned project duration, a confirmation of continued employment signed by the clinic or institute lead must be submitted with the application).
- Completed medical doctorate or Master's degree in a non-medical discipline
- Affiliation to the group of early career researchers
Only for full proposals:
- (possibly shared) first or last authorship in a Q1 journal
Please note: The confirmation of continued employment and the agreement to carry out the project must be signed by the head of the clinic or institute (or, if absent, by their official deputy). A signature by e.g. a working group or section lead who does not have this function is not sufficient.
Researchers who have already acquired the relevant qualifications and experience should make use of funding instruments such as DFG grants, as successful funding can be essential for a further academic career.