IZKF Funding Opportunities
IZKF Joint Project Funding
The task of the Interdisciplinary Center for Clinical Research (IZKF) is to strengthen translational medical research based on basic research and clinical practice.
The IZKF funds Joint Projects that are thematically oriented towards the Faculty's Research Focuses (Medical Technology & Digital Life Sciences, Organ Crosstalk, Phase Transition in Disease, Translational Neurosciences). A Joint Project is funded with €800,000 per year for a period of three years. The funding objective is the subsequent acquisition of high-volume third-party funding (DFG SFB, Research Unit, Transregio, BMBF, EU).
IZKF Research Group Funding
The IZKF funds Research Groups (W1 professorships), which are either linked to currently externally funded research networks or to the faculty's research focuses with a specific topic. The funding period is three years (+ three if the interim evaluation is positive) with a funding amount of € 200,000 per year. The aim of the funding is to support research alliances currently financed by third-party funding and to strengthen the Research Focuses.