Password management
In everyday university life, you have to deal with a large number of systems, each of which requires its own password protection and some of which are only used infrequently, e.g. once a year. Nevertheless, it is important to use unique and sufficiently complex passwords.
To meet these requirements, it is advisable to use a password manager. Here you can store your passwords together with account names and URLs in encrypted form. Useful additional information such as notes or instructions for the respective system can also be stored. You can look up this information as required or use automatic fill-in mechanisms, e.g. via browser extensions - password managers also generally help you to generate secure passwords.
You protect your password manager with a master password or passphrase. This should be particularly strong. As a rule, password managers also offer additional optional security mechanisms such as two-factor authentication, which you can configure according to your personal requirements.
A free and operating system-independent open source solution is KeePassXC, for example.