Checklists Third-Party Funding Applications (Delegationsrahmen)
When applying for third-party funded projects, the Faculty and the University Hospital regularly enter into far-reaching obligations. This is particularly the case for applications with a high funding volume, high follow-up costs or a high demand for information technology resources.
In order to identify "stumbling blocks" and financial risks in advance, a number of points should be considered at an early stage and the relevant bodies contacted. These include, for example
- structural requirements and necessary construction measures
- structural interventions in teaching or interventions in patient care
- high information technology resources
- Maintenance costs after the project duration
A list of points to consider and the relevant contact persons is provided with the checklist "Applying for third-party funding".
Please also note that the respective clinic or institute leadership must always be informed of project applications and the report of third-party funding must be completed. Outlines for projects with total costs exceeding € 1 million must be sent to the Deanery for information when the application is submitted.
You can find a list of who is responsible for questions to the external funding department here on the intranet (at the bottom of the page).
Since 01.01.2024, Prof. Gabriele Pradel, Department of Cellular and Applied Infection Biology, has been the new DFG Liaison Officer. She thus acts as a local contact person for applicants to the DFG and provides supportive advice. If you have any questions about submitting a proposal to the DFG, please contact the DFG team at RWTH Aachen University first. If you would like to submit a proposal to the DFG, please announce this using the DFG proposal announcement form. By doing so, you also directly fulfill the DFG's requirement to inform the liaison officer.